Source Code is a science fiction action thriller movie directed by Duncan Jones and stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, Jeffrey Wright and Michael Arden.The best part of the movie is it's pace which will not gives you a chance to sit back or blink. The movie is very smart and suspenseful. The screenplay of the movie is intelligent and will make sure that you are glued to your seats. Direction and cinematography is good.Acting is great and Jake Gyllenhaal is mesmerising. Vera Farmiga is superb and Michelle Monaghan is memorable. The movie presents superhero in a new form without costumes and special powers but doing the same thing of saving the world.A must watch movie with an great ending.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I love this movie and have rewatched it a few times over the years. Duncan Jones has impressed with other offerings such as Moon and Warcraft and I look forward to his future ventures. Jake Gyllenhaal (another favourite) plays the protaganist brilliantly and the angst, apprehension and despair that he portrays while trying to figure out Source Code is palpable. Although the premise is far fetched, the characters are relatable - which is why we watch movies right?
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I just finished watching this. I agree with so many others about how this is a science fiction that really keeps a person engaged. There's so many elements to it. On one level it's a on going mystery. On another it's a live story, and yet on another it's a story about science possibilities. I really enjoyed this clever tale.